"Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit," The words of a Man who felt forsaken. Yes, He hung from a cross, yes, He was dying. Slowly, agonizingly, His life was fading before His eyes. Every moment was bathed in bitter pain. Every heartbeat ate through His mind with the crimson tatters of forsaken bitterness. How could a dying man find the strength to trust? How could someone suffering at the hands of the most brutal torture ever seen find the strength to believe in someone who feels so distant, that the emptiness around Him echoes with the darkness found within His heart?
But Jesus Christ found the power to trust in His heavenly Father with His dying breath. He found something so amazing that the jaws of hell could not move Him from this hope. Death could not steal this peace from His heart. Satanic furry brought the heart of hell into every heartbeat echoing through His dying veins, but nothing known to man could strip Him of the living presence of His Father.
This is the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Only when we find this presence in our daily lives can we learn to truly live. You can have this surety, this hope and beauty in your life today. All you need is to reach out for the hand of Jesus. He understands.
Immanuel, One moment without You
available now at smasword.com